Sobre la investigación científica del Dr. López-Ibor
El Dr. Luis López-Ibor ha contribuido a la ciencia con numerosos artículos científicos a lo largo de su dilatada carrera,
siendo destacable la gran variedad de publicaciones tanto en temática como por localización de las mismas.
Por otro lado, durante años, ha sido el referente de numerosos autores, describiendo una linea de tendencia investigadora de gran calado
en la comunidad científica.
Publicaciones por tema
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Publicaciones por localización
Tendencia investigadora
Influencia sobre otros autores
Artículos científicos publicados
- Multiple spinal arteriovenous fistulas: A case-based review (2015)
- Endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke: In search of evidence (2014)
- Brain radiation doses to patients in an interventional neuroradiology laboratory (2014)
- Suboptimal interventional conditions for the occlusion of ruptured intracranial aneurysms do not increase periprocedural complications and poor clinical outcomes (2014)
- Effective coil embolization of intracavernous carotid artery pseudoaneurysm with parental artery preservation following severe head trauma in a pediatric patient (2014)
- Pseudomeningocele after traumatic nerve root avulsion: A novel technique to close the fistula (2013)
- Endovascular treatment of distal internal carotid artery occlusions with retrievable stents (2013)
- Treatment of a carotid cavernous fistula via direct transovale cavernous sinus puncture: Technical note (2013)
- Critical stenosis of the basilar artery associated with clinical instability: New proposed indication for acute endovascular treatment (2013)
- Combined staged therapy of complex arteriovenous malformations: Initial experience (2013)
- Patient radiation dose management in the follow-up of potential skin injuries in neuroradiology (2013)
- Humeral arterial access: An alternative route to the femoral artery in the endovascular treatment of acute stroke (2012)
- Normal perfusion pressure breakthrough phenomenon: What still remains unknown (2012)
- Cerebral arteriovenous malformations: From diagnosis, classifications, and pathophysiology up to genetics (2010)
- Endovascular treatment for acute stroke: An open field to begin (2010)
- Tonic hemifacial contraction secondary to extraxial tumor of the posterior fossa (1991)
- Cavernomas of the central nervous system: Clinical and neuroimaging manifestations in 47 patients (1991)
- Images of magnetic resonance and computerized axial tomography in a case of subacute post-myocardial infarct heart rupture (1990)
- Centropontine myelinolysis demonstrated by nuclear magnetic resonance (1990)
- Cervicodorsal diastematomyelia presenting in an adult patient (1989)
- Magnetic resonance scan in the evaluation of the neurological complications of cerebral spondylosis (1989)
- Cervical radiculopathy caused by Ewing's tumour (1988)
- Comparison between clinical and magnetic resonance findings in brainstem infarctions (1988)
- Coma caused by paramedian thalamic infarct (1988)
- Dilatation of the vein of Galen. Anatomoclinical forms and endovascular treatment apropos of 14 cases explored and/or treated between 1983 and 1986. (1987)
- Comparative trial of Hexabrix (320 mg iodine/ml), iohexol (300 mg iodine/ml) and iopamiron (300 mg iodine/ml) in cerebral and spinal angiography: A preliminary report (1987)
- Dolichoectasia of the basilar artery: magnetic resonance (1987)
- The role of dural anomalies in vein of Galen aneurysms: Report of six cases and review of the literature (1985)
- Vertebral artery loop and cervical pain (1984)
- The accessory middle cerebral artery (AMCA). Diagnostic and therapeutic consequences (1984)
- Endovascular treatment of pure 'spontaneous' dural vascular malformations (DVM) (1984)
- Bases radio-anatomiques de la vascularisation des malformations artério-veineuses durales crâniennes (1984)
- Radiological anatomy of the vascularization